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6 + 1 Things that make Certified Lean Six Sigma Professionals Awesome

Originally Published 5.6.2017

Find out why the demand for Certified Lean Six Sigma professionals is high in Asia...

1. Enrolling and being a certified Lean Six Sigma Professional is comparable to having an advanced business degree - that's a big ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED! Considering both the discipline and skill needed to be certified, it is without a doubt that a great passion for learning and growth is required in order to pursue one’s Lean Six Sigma Certification. who doesn't want people like them in their workplace?

2. They have gained respect from their boss and peers because they are capable of handling crucial roles and delivering even more crucial things from one point to a much better point; an effective change agent who can produce significant results is definitely worth the RESPECT & TRUST of his/her colleague.

3. The letters CSS + (your belt) are a credibility indicator that exponentially boosts one's career, but the professional's edge doesn't end there: these letters manifest into something even greater, commonly called RESULTS. In case you're already wondering what these results are, I suggest you read the stories of these people: Jose Santos, CSSYB; Kristine De Guzman, CSSGB; Anjelo Flores, CSSBB in our blog.

4. Certified Lean Six Sigma Professionals are renowned for their data-driven decision-making skills and their thinking that is process-oriented. This makes them great facilitators for process improvement projects as they know and act well on the critical elements a facilitator should possess. Plus, you'll never hear them blaming the problem on another employee or department: Instead, they diligently investigate the process to find where the error is coming from.

5. They clearly understand the difference between "firefighting" and actually solving a problem down from its very core; and they always choose to do the latter - because only then can it really be called an improved process.

6. They act as company champions in improving customer satisfaction and delivering cost savings to their respective companies. They are the ones who are given special tasks - tasks that demand discipline, excellence, & integrity to be delivered successfully.

+1. Head high, certified professionals can proudly say #iAmMyCredentials. Why? Because the "Certified Lean Six Sigma" title isn't only something that one has, but rather, one is. What puts them a step ahead aren't the grandiose words written before or after their names, nor is it that framed paper with a seal; Instead, it is the things that they do, the ones that provide tangible, visible, and positive results in their own respective fields;

​The edge of a Certified Lean Six Sigma Professional is the Integrity and Excellence you have acquired as you embark on a path towards a better version of yourself. Because the things that you have achieved aren’t just paper and prints, it’s who you are.

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