A Mediocre Team of Yes Ma'am and Yes Sir

A Mediocre Team of Yes Ma'am and Yes Sir

Originally Published 8.22.2022

I know one large company where one executive is so dominant and his belief in his judgment so pronounced that people down the line are busy guessing what he would do and what he is likely to decide.

Since unwelcome facts often do not reach him, he makes costly mistakes. The quality of his decisions (is very slow) and could easily be better if he kept the fact channels open so that facts might flow up to him." (Bower, 1966).

Also, suppose innovations and ideas from below are rejected and set aside by the leader because all decisions, no matter how big or small, need his approval, and everyone will go into a state of equilibrium. In that case, you'll have a mediocre team of yes ma'am and yes sir.

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