Bestselling Authors Are Online Influencers

Bestselling Authors Are Online Influencers

As a bookworm, it's too easy to buy a book and add another paperback to my collection...

Even if I know that it would take me a hundred years to finish reading all of it.

On the other hand, most authors find it hard to execute an effective PR push to have a bestseller.

If you no longer have one foot out the door and you're ready to take this path,

I've listed 6 Common Mistakes When Selling Books Online!

Number 1: Failing To Optimize Metadata

Metadata, including keywords and categories, is crucial for getting your book found in online searches,

especially in search engines like Google and Bing.

Many authors neglect to optimize their metadata,

which can hurt their discoverability without Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Number 2: Neglecting To Get Reviews

Positive reviews from readers can go a long way in boosting a book's credibility and attracting new readers.

Authors who fail to get reviews are missing out on a valuable marketing opportunity.

There are a lot of studies proving that buyers read reviews first before deciding to checkout.

Number 3: Not Using Enough Social Media

Social media can be an effective tool for promoting a book and building a fan base, but many authors don't use it to its full potential.

This includes the utilization of paid ads on Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn.

Let alone organic posting that is optimized for each platform.

A foreword, for example, can get you 10 pieces of content

ranging from images, carousel posts, short-form videos, and a simple status update in text.

Number 4: Failing To Promote The Book Effectively

Simply listing a book on an online retailer's site isn't enough.

Authors need to actively promote their books through various channels to get them in front of potential readers.

List down the podcasts that your potential buyers would listen to and ask their producers to have you as a guest for free.

Number 5: Not Offering Multiple Formats

Readers have different preferences when it comes to formatting,

so authors who only offer their books in one format are limiting their potential audience.

Consider reading your own book and selling it as an audiobook.

You can even have it done with a camera on so you can offer it as a course.

Number 6: Neglecting To Engage With Readers

Engaging with readers through social media, newsletters, or other channels can help build a loyal fan base and increase sales.

Authors who don't engage with their readers are missing out on this opportunity.

When your avid readers see you actually replying to comments, you might just turn them into lifelong followers.

I know I missed a couple more. But did I?

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