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What are the Lean Six Sigma Belts?

Originally Published 11.7.2014

Lean Six Sigma certified professionals are ranked according to "belts", a term borrowed from Karate. The idea is, the higher the belt you earn, the more proficient you are with the Lean Six Sigma methodology and tools. The belt system was used as an internal marketing strategy to get the attention of GE employees to its new quality initiative - Lean Six Sigma.

As I have mentioned in my previous blog posts, Lean Six Sigma certified professionals should keep in mind that they are expert facilitators. Lean Six Sigma-Certified individuals are experts in process improvement tools, techniques, and methodologies, but at the end of the day, their main role is to facilitate their project teams and let the team members (process owners) find out the root causes and later develop solutions to improve the process.

If someone approaches you and introduces himself/herself as a Certified Green Belt / Black Belt / Master Black Belt, and then later tells you that whatever business problems you have, he/she can solve using Lean Six Sigma - DO NOT believe that person. Politely nod, then excuse yourself.

Going back to the belts system of Lean Six Sigma, I have heard and seen variations like companies with White, Orange, Red, and Money Belt (LOL), but here are the 4 common Lean Six Sigma belts, the number of recommended training days (Some give you more training days to charge you more.), and descriptions:

The Lean Six Sigma training program was designed by Motorola and GE (both manufacturing companies) specifically for engineers, statisticians, and technical persons. Several years ago, I updated the curriculum to fit the service industry. I made the program simple and practical for it to be effective, and user-friendly for service industry professionals- many are non-math majors.

Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt

Recommended Training Days: 2 days

The Yellow Belt refers to employees that have basic training in the Lean Six Sigma quality improvement methodology and participate in related projects. They have a basic understanding of the methodology and assume a supportive role to both Green and Black Belts within a Lean Six Sigma Team. Like the Green Belts, they usually also have other non-Lean Six Sigma-related responsibilities within their job descriptions.

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

Recommended Training Days: 9 Days

Green belts are Lean Six Sigma Professionals who work closely under Black Belts, responsible for fulfilling leadership roles within a Lean Six Sigma Team, especially for smaller-scale projects. They are well-educated on the correct use of the Lean Six Sigma Tools and employ them under the direction of a Black Belt Project Leader.

Since this methodology is highly statistical in nature, it is of utmost importance to start with a complete set of good and accurate data. Green Belts are usually employees of a Lean Six Sigma company who also have other day-to-day responsibilities within the framework of that company.

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

Recommended Training Days: 25 days

Black Belts are considered the leaders within a Lean Six Sigma team. Part of their duty is to oversee what other members (Green and Yellow Belts) have accomplished and keep all team members on track to reach goals and deadlines. Their primary task is project management; they are the individuals who define a Lean Six Sigma project and its scope. It is their task to set goals and timelines for the project as well as constantly update executives and stakeholders on the current status of the business. Additionally, they often exhibit excellent communication skills and take on the role of the ‘change agent’ within their organization.

Since they are given a lot of responsibility within a Lean Six Sigma Team, it is a requirement for these individuals to undergo training and earn sufficient experience in the form of leading Lean Six Sigma Projects. These experts are well-rounded in their knowledge of financial and statistical analysis, project management, and Lean Six Sigma Tools. This knowledge and experience enable them to perform a wider range of tasks. Lean Six Sigma Black Belts are often sought after and are highly employable because of these characteristics.

Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt

Recommended Training Days: Varies
For experienced Black Belts, with at least 20 completed projects + comprehensive train the trainer's program + change management program + expert facilitator's program

Master Black Belts in tradition are entitled to train and certify individuals.

The Master Black Belt has a very important role within a Lean Six Sigma Organization. As the name implies, they are experts at the top of the hierarchy of trained and certified Lean Six Sigma Professionals. With their level of experience, skills, and knowledge, they can act as consultants and technologists of this methodology.

During the course of a companywide Lean Six Sigma Implementation, certain issues and problems may arise. Experts like Master Black Belts can help resolve issues that come along and offer appropriate solutions to teams. One of their main responsibilities is to train employees to become Lean Six Sigma Professionals at the Black, Green, or Yellow Belt levels. Master Black Belts can mentor or train others within designated Lean Six Sigma Teams as these individuals have garnered enough knowledge and experience to be designated as ‘experts’ in this particular method of quality improvement.

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Take our internationally-recognized White Belt e-Learning with certification anytime: